  South Patagonia has incredible natural resources, in which the native flora and fauna are involve in an enigmatic and changing weather and landscape. It´s an interesting zone because its archaeological, anthropological, historic and cultural attractives, like the Puerto Natales seashore in which you can enjoy the landscape made by the high mountains –Patagonian Cordon Montañoso-.
With beautiful landscapes, you will find the Torres del Paine, Bernardo O'Higgins, Pali-Aike and Cabo de Hornos National Parks, and Laguna Parrillar and Magallanes National Reserves.
Also, it´s possible to visit Milodon Cave and Los Pingüinos Natural Monuments, which are in the middle of an impressive geography made by mountains, channels, rivers and lakes; being the Balmaceda, Pehoe, Paine, Grey, Nordenskjold, Toro, Blanco and Lynch the ones who stand out. The glaciers are another attraction of South Patagonia. The Tyndall, Balmaceda, Serrano, Pio XI and Grey Lake are the tourists major attraction because the icebergs detachment that float in the lake surface. Within the fauna, you can find condors, ñandus (South American ostrich), flamencos and gray foxes, among others.
The native indian vestiges are the main cultural attractive; meanwhile the fortresses are the main historic attractive.
In Tierra del Fuego is possible to enjoy the religious tourism with the La Virgen de Monserrat procession, by the north of Skyring Inlet. Meanwhile, in the Chilean Antartic –the last world's destiny- is possible to enjoy its enigmatic nature.
In the other hand, this zone is an important scientific research centers refugee -located in the Antartic Territory- which do not restrict the tourist activities.

Circuit Patagonia, San Rafael Lagoon and Torres del Paine
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